FIHM Mobile App

The customer’s challenge

FOB Startup wants to have a device used to perform measurements on the functional strength of the intrinsic hand muscles. This product is expected to contribute to health care treatment and rehabilitation regarding hand and wrist injury and disability. Physiotherapists, doctors and other medical specialists can use it to evaluate functional intrinsic muscle strength of the patients.

Sioux's contribution

The hardware of the device is manufactured by Sioux CCM (in The Netherlands) with the mobile software application designed and developed by Sioux High Tech Software Vietnam. To improve quality and consistency, the measurement is clearly illustrated in the app. To improve workflow efficiency, all test results can be uploaded. Data is made available for both communicative and more extensive for research purposes. At present, FIHM is developed and sold widely in Europe.


Instead of bulky health check system, FIHM now supports specialists while evaluating their patients. This data can directly be used to motivate the patients, give them a clear rehabilitation purpose, support decision making in the rehabilitation progress, evaluate recovery, and support administrative duties.


Xamarin, MvvmCross

FOB Startup is a company that was organized to promote product and business development regarding the FIHM.

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